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مجموعة فنادق خمس نجوم في منطقة العقبة الاقتصادية الخاصة والاردن بشكل عام
حيث تم تزويدهم بموظفين وايدي عاملة في مختلف المهن من طباخ أول الى عامل الزراعة
Marsa Zayed (Aqaba Project)
Marsa Zayed (Aqaba Project) Marsa Zayed (Aqaba) throw Hussein Attia Contracting Company (Main Contractor) and with Hassan Tarawneh & Sons Contracting Company (Sub Contractor) and geotechnical Solutions Company where we provided them with ordinary worker and skilled workers to complete infrastructure works and insulation workers, engineers and foreman.
Pam International
Where we provided them with workers to projects such as the ACT expansion project Phase II, Aqaba port transfer project to the southern shore as we staffed welding, Rigger, media campaign staff, ordinary workers, and foreman
Gulf Steel Industries
Where we provided them with workers to disassembly hangars, bridges, phosphate transfer belts and we provided heavy machinery drivers, welders and other technicians and workers.
FlashMan Spanish Company
Where we provided them with technicians and engineers sspecialized reading charts and building bricks.
Tebah food Industries
where we provided them with high experienced Jordanian to run production lines in the dairy plants and juices lines and production lines for the plastic as well and provided specialized workers in milking and sterilization.
where we provided them with worker such as carpenter, welders, mechanical operators, reporters, supervisors, engineers, warehouses supervisor and all kinds of infrastructure employees.
Soletanche Bachy
where we provided them with Jordanian employees with efficiency and experience in infrastructure works for ports (carpenter, welders, mechanical operators, reporters, supervisors, engineers, warehouses supervisor and all kinds of infrastructure employees) for the expansion project (Aqaba Container Terminal Phase I)
The Jordanian Foreign Ministry and social buildings Hussein and the Jordanian Audit Bureau
where we provided them with worker to carry out messaging and also cleaning work inside the office and external areas.